Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chrome OS: The Network Computer

I have been seeing a number of stories about Google's Chrome OS release and their push to Netbooks. Most noteworthy was Om Malik's thoughtful article.

I have mixed feelings on the concept of the network computer. Several years ago, when Larry Ellison was tilting at this windmill, I didn't think it was feasible because Internet connectivity was nearly ubiquitous enough to make full-time cloud-based computing feasible for mobile users. There were certainly good use cases, like branch offices, with full-time connectivity that worked for the concept.

Now, with easy-to-find Wifi combined with 3G services, I think the idea of cloud-based computing with a Network computer (a cloud book?) is reasonable. Will I run out and buy a Chrome Netbook for myself? No, I really enjoy my iPad. Would I consider one for my kids? Absolutely.

I think Chrome OS netbooks could finally provide some good competition for the iPad. I am hoping to see Apple fire back with robust MobileMe services early next year. When vendors compete, consumers often win.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad