Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Here is why I'm excited about Google+:
Google believes that with Circles it has solved the tough sharing problem that Facebook has inexplicably failed to crack. “With Facebook I have 500 friends — my mom’s my friend, my boss is my friend,” says Shimrit Ben-Yair, the product manager in charge of the social graph. “So when I share on Facebook, I overshare. On Twitter, I undershare, because it’s public. If Google hits that spot in the middle, we can revolutionize social interaction.”
My concern is that they're opening it up in a limited fashion. The interwebs are all a-twitter (pun intended) with news of Project Emerald Sea (Google+). That buzz will be wasted if the service isn't widely available to leverage network effect. A gradual roll-out ala Orkut or Google Wave will kill it.

You've really got something killer here, Google. You're addressing a pain that Facebook should have solved by now! Ramp it up and take 'em on.