Sunday, July 3, 2011

Keurig My K-cups

I've been enjoying my new Keurig Platinum coffee maker. I've worked my way through most of the included sample pack of K-cups and found a couple favorites. Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee with a splash of Coffeemate Italian Sweet Creme (not too much or it becomes overly sweet) and Coffee House Chocolate Glazed Donut top my list. The rest of the family appears to be addicted to Chai Latte.

Today I decided to try the My K-Cup accessory that provides a filter basket to brew your own ground coffee. I used Starbucks tribute blend, ground coarsely for French press. I found the resulting brew to be drinkable, but not stellar. Having used this brew in both a drip system and my french press previously, I found it to be about halfway between the two. It seemed a bit watery with only a light aroma. This contrasts with K-cups that fill the kitchen with delightful coffee aroma, the wafting of which draws the rest of the family and results in rapid consumption of K-cups. On the plus side, there were no grounds in the cup as is often the case with French press.

My take on this is that the My K-cup accessory can produce a reasonable brew with your own beans in a pinch. It's certainly better than a drip coffee maker and the single cup portion is handy. However, if you're a serious coffee lover with a French press, I recommend using that for your beans. As for me, I have found some great K-cup varieties that surpass what I'm getting from my French press and will use the Keurig for most of my coffee. I'll pull out the french press when I want something not available in K-cups.